With DiaperID, we develop a smartphone app that parents can use to check the color of their baby’s stool to detect rare liver diseases such as biliary atresia in good time.
Our artificial intelligence (AI)-based stool color detection assesses your baby’s stool color quickly and reliably. In future, we plan to make the technology available to all parents and their newborns (>750,000/year in Germany).
The study period covers the first 5 weeks of your baby’s life. The typical pale stools usually occur during this period.
During the study, you are asked to upload a photo of a full diaper once a week. You can either directly take one in-app or upload it from the media library. DiaperID gives you direct feedback whether the color of the stool is normal or needs to be checked again by the study team. At the end of the 5th week (after sending in the last photo), we will ask you to take part in a survey on the you user experience with DiaperID. The study will then be completed.
On the road to becoming a licensed medical device, DiaperID is being scientifically evaluated taking various aspects into account.
It is being investigated how well our AI performs with photos taken by parents under everyday conditions. Also, information on user experience of parents using DiaperID is being collected and evaluated.
These results and experiences will help to further develop and improve DiaperID.
You can find the link to the questionnaire here. Studien-Fragebogen